Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Today is a good day to have a good day.


There's not much more too it. Today, of all days, is a good day to have a good day. Now how much more would your outlook change if you read this quote every morning before stepping out of bed. If this quote was on the background of your phone or computer screen. Maybe this isn't a phrase you need to hear every day; it may lose its power if you heard it everyday. Maybe this is a quote that you just need to be reminded of every so often, I know I do.

I am a typical girl. Soon I will be in full fledged adulthood. Like, it kind of scares me at times...

I have plenty of day where I just want to scream at the world. Like "hey world why do you have to make me feel so crummy. Not cool world...". But I will come across this quote every once in a while, that today is a good day to have a good day, and it makes me feel great. It reminds me that today is not a day worth wasting. That I should make the most of my day, as much as I possibly can. Although at times I wish I could run away, I realize that the worst day I have ever had I've made it through it, to today.

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