Friday, September 20, 2013

So I got to thinking, when making this blog I thought I was going to be an elegant writer, who could write paragraph after paragraph about my deepest thoughts an emotions.

But then I realize, my deepest thoughts an emotions do not occur in long extensive paragraphs. In reality, they are a bit choppy.
This is my dream puppy by the way. A Mini Aussie!

And surely are not elegant.

So in hopes of reaching out to people, I decided to open my mind to the world in a whole new way.

Besides, with our day an age peoples attention spans have gone down lower than a puppy's. As sad as it may come to some people, often time readers in our time don't want to sit down and read paragraphs upon paragraphs..

Even I need to learn to pick up a book once in a while.

So, in hopes of gaining followers, I bring to you...

my thoughts..

as they come too me..

in a slightly organized manor.

I hope you enjoy ☺

Comments welcome and encouraged.

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